Sunday, September 16, 2007

Zucchini Frittata

Originally uploaded by zostra
My dinner tonight was another frittata. One of the challenges as a vegetarian-almost-vegan is getting local protein. Eggs have proven to be my friend (good thing I'm not completely vegan!). This made up for the garlic fries at the Stich 'n Pitch, which were decidedly not healthy and most likely not local.


Woolfairy said...

I mentioned this at Kale for Sale, but the Tender Tomato Tart from Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone is delicious and very easy to do local this time of year. As long as you have a supply of wheat and butter I suppose. And it is a very good main dish (and even uses eggs to add a little protein) Tortilla Espanol is another good one. Very frittata like, but has the solidness of the potatoes to help.

Maia said...

Yum, thanks for the recommendations. My first frittata post was one with potatoes that was quite tasty.

Katherine Gray said...

We're absolutely loving frittatas, too. We go through three dozen eggs a week!