Thursday, September 06, 2007

Eat Local Challenge Day 6

Scooter vs. Bean
Originally uploaded by zostra
When I decided to join the Eat Local Challenge, I thought I might encourage some other folks to join me at least in part. Maybe my mom and dad (they've recently joined a CSA, woo hoo!), my brother, some friends. Little did I know that my kitten Scooter would be the one to leap (yes, he leaps, but it's impossible to catch on camera) on board. This is the second night in a row he's stolen a locally grown green bean while I was trying to get them ready for dinner. It's raw, there's nothing on it, not laced with fish or butter or cat nip. He drags them around and attacks them like they are his prey. I don't know that he actually consumes them. They do disappear, but I have my doubts that they landed up in his stomach. Most likely under the dresser or some other place that I won't look until next Spring. Maybe he's hording beans to dry for winter.

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