Saturday, May 31, 2008

City Ramblings

Cable Car Museum
Originally uploaded by zostra
This afternoon Amanda, Peter, Mom, Dad & I went to the Cable Car Museum in the City. I hadn't realized that all of the cable cars come through one garage and all run on the same set of cables (well, one for each line). These are the California & Mason lines. Then we went on a Ghost Hunt, which did not produce any ghosts but was well worth the tour guide, the other happenings, and all of the great stories and history.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chihuly Teaser

Chihuly at the Legion
Originally uploaded by zostra
Laurel & I went to the Annie Liebowitz exhibit at the Legion of Honor, and outside they had this teaser piece for the Chihuly exhibit that's coming to the DeYoung in June. Try to keep in mind that this thing is 14 feet in diameter. I can't wait to see the full fledged exhibit.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Toy Story?

Toy Story?
Originally uploaded by zostra
The window display in a toy store on College Ave in Berkeley. Notice the banner hanging from the Golden Gate Bridge? I love where I live.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Goodies

Mother's Day Goodies
Originally uploaded by zostra
Amanda brought me flowers, chocolate (dairy free, of course) and a Cal reusable shopping bag! She obviously knows the way to her mother's heart.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Solid Food?

Solid Food?
Originally uploaded by zostra
Mom was trying to get Cy to look at the camera by getting him to follow the spoon (with chocolate sauce on it no less). I think he was more interested in the food. Not a big surprise given what a good eater he is, except when you realize he's only three and a half months old and has never had anything besides breast milk. Something tells me he won't have a problem switching over to solid food.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Originally uploaded by zostra
I spent the weekend at a beautiful yoga retreat in the hills above Guerneville. My teacher Carolyn lead a dozen of us through a weekend full of yoga, meditation, deep relaxation, and rest. In the mornings we would practice silence during a guided meditation and breakfast, not talking until we had our first yoga class after breakfast. Afternoons were vigorous classes followed by a break, dinner, and more meditation. It was amazing, I wish I could do it for a month or maybe longer.