Friday, October 17, 2008

Houston Airport Napping

Houston Airport Napping
Originally uploaded by zostra
This is what happens when massive thunderstorms hit Houston right after the first leg of your flight lands. You spend all night in the airport with a bunch of other people who can't take a shower or brush their teeth, just like you can't. The cool thing about it? The Houston Airport does have a Peet's!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Cy

Happy Cy
Originally uploaded by zostra
Look at this nephew! He's so adorable.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

NY Wedding

Me & Stephanie
Originally uploaded by zostra
Steph & Tony had a party to celebrate their wedding. Lots of great people, good food, and a long overdue trip to New York.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Local Lunch

Jess & Kate
Originally uploaded by zostra
Kate & Jess & I made a magnificent lunch, all with local ingredients from the farmer's market at Union Square (the New York one). It was scrumptious!

Friday, October 10, 2008

M & M Store

M & M Store
Originally uploaded by zostra
Can you believe New York has a three story M & M Store? Jessica brought me, just to prove that it really existed (OK, and we bought some M & Ms too). It was unreal.