Sunday, November 28, 2010

What to do with all that mud

Mud Festus
Originally uploaded by zostra
Dad & I tiled the kitchen window and the counter corners today. We over estimated (by about 200%) how much mud we would need for the job, and Dad got creative with the rest of it. Quote of the day from Dad: Considering the amount of time it took Michelangelo to create David, I think this is about comparable.

The corner caps that were on back order never did arrive, so we had a tile cutter cut some of the end caps on a diagonal and we managed to fake it. They've been mudded, as has the window tile. Grout on Tuesday.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Roasted Kabocha
Originally uploaded by zostra
A rainy, grey day really does call for roasted squash. I'm wondering if it is possible to do oneself harm with too much roasted squash in one sitting. Death by squash is not what I would choose for my epitaph, but freshly roasted kabocha is so difficult to resist.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bloomin' Poppies

First Poppy
Originally uploaded by zostra
While I realize that plants are supposed to bloom, particularly flowers that are planted for expressly that purpose, I am enough of a novice gardener that I am still thrilled to see it happen in my little patch of dirt. I planted some poppies in a corner by the stairs that already has a few rosebushes, added some violas, and a few other little things. The violas were already in bloom and took to their new home quite happily, but I was a little worried there wouldn't be enough sun for the poppies. Apparently my fears were misplaced as my little corner now has several poppy blooms, with quite a few more buds ready to open. It makes me feel like at least I have a bit of a handle on this little corner of the yard. If the rain holds off enough next week for me to break out the rototiller, I might start to see some progress on the rest of it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Burg Crush

November Rose
Originally uploaded by zostra
Last week I got to spend a few days in Minneapolis for a conference. I now have a serious crush on the Twin Cities. I got to visit with my friend Steve and see the very cool Science Museum of Minnesota where he works (not to mention his fabulous mid-fixing fixer-upper house). Ate at Spoonriver and Al's Breakfast. Discovered a previously unknown love of Jameson's at The Local. Browsed through piles of used books at Laurie Books and got to see the old furrier's vault with "the rest" of the books in the basement. Of course, then I came home to my rosebush in it's second massive bloom of the year, despite it being November. That's one thing they don't get in Minnesota...