Sunday, January 27, 2008

Shaven Cat

Shaven Cat
Originally uploaded by zostra
Poor Mowgli got very sick this weekend, it turned out to be the kitty equivalent of kidney stones, which can be fatal if not treated. The normal treatment wasn't successful, so he had to have major surgery. Not pleasant. The only polite way to say it is that despite the fact that he was neutered long ago, he now has NO boy parts. He's handling it well, happy to be recuperating at home after 4 1/2 days in various vets offices and hospitals. My credit card is not handling it so well...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bray's Family

Bray's Family
Originally uploaded by zostra
Bray's family came down for Cypress' birth, and we all had dinner out at the house they rented in Jenner. The only sad part was that Amanda had too much studying to join us. :( But dinner was fun, and Bray's family is great.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Odessa Hat

Odessa Hat
Originally uploaded by zostra
I finally finished my Odessa hat, which had been languishing in my knitting basket for a very long time. I'm quite pleased with the swirl pattern, and with the beads.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's a Nephew!

Auntie & Cypress
Originally uploaded by zostra
Cypress Shae was born at 2:18pm, 8 lbs 10 oz, 21 inches. Mom, Dad and Cypress are all doing well. I got to meet him when he was only about an hour old! Bray & Chris opted for a birthing center instead of a hospital. It was much more relaxed, almost like giving birth at home except it's someone else's house. Cypress was born in a pool, and his heart rate stayed between 130 and 140 through the ENTIRE process. Isn't he beautiful?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

He Knits!

He Knits!
Originally uploaded by zostra
Ethan has been in town for the holidays and a rotation at Stanford Children's Hospital. While here he decided to learn how to knit. He's taken to it quite quickly, and has already completed a set of arm warmers for a friend. I don't have a picture of his first project. We call it a trivet.