Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One More Sunset

One More Sunset
Originally uploaded by zostra
What can I say? I work in the Berkeley Hills and leave every night at sunset. The colors are just too much to resist.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by zostra
Who knew yoga could be so dangerous? I was coming out of a handstand last night in class and instead of a nice, graceful landing I came down straight on my toe and jammed it into the ground. I can't really bend it, and it looks pretty funny.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Local Thanksgiving Fare

Local Thanksgiving Fare
Originally uploaded by zostra
My local contribution to our family Thanksgiving dinner, brussel sprouts. Steam first, then saute with lots of garlic and vegan butter. Even people who don't like them, like them. Know what I mean?

Scooter Meets O-Chem

Scooter Meets O-Chem
Originally uploaded by zostra
I was working at home today on the kitchen table, only to discover that Scooter things carbon molecule models are very exciting. He kept trying to steal them (look closely, you can see one in his mouth) while I was trying to build molecules.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Shower Cupcackes

Shower Cupcackes
Originally uploaded by zostra
The cupcakes, and the shower, were a success. I landed up with three vegan recipes, all from the marvelous Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and one non-vegan from Cupcakes Year Round. Can you guess which goes where?


Originally uploaded by zostra
Just a few cupcakes for the shower.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Baby Sweater

Baby Sweater
Originally uploaded by zostra
The baby gift is done! My first finished sweater. I highly recommend starting with a baby sweater, it goes very quickly.

Crazy Squirrel

Crazy Squirrel
Originally uploaded by zostra
Looks like he's getting ready for a swan dive.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Napkin Tags

Napkin Tags
Originally uploaded by zostra
Instead of cheezy shower favors, we opted for donating chicks to Heifer International. Each person will get a tag with their napkin letting them know that a chick has been purchased in their name, for Chris & Bray's new baby.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lemon Buttermilk

Lemon Buttermilk
Originally uploaded by zostra
The favorite of the taste-testing crew (i.e., my coworkers!).

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pumpkin Cupcakes

Pumpkin Cupcakes
Originally uploaded by zostra
I'm testing cupcake recipes for the baby shower. Bray's been craving pumpkin, so I'm trying a vegan pumpkin cupcake with chocolate chips and a "regular" pumpkin from Martha.